Sorry about the delay in getting this blog under way. We are both time lagged. Why do they call it jet lag? It’s got nothing to do with jet but everything to do with screaming children and 12 hour time differences! We were lucky (or so we thought) that we had secured bulk head seats for our Auckland-HK as well as HK-Heathrow flights, and we were seated in the middle of the plane. On our left in the same row was Granny, Mum, Junior aged about 3 and the cutie in striped pyjamas, aged about 3 – 4 months. Uh oh we thought, eyes down for a full house. However, Junior and cutie pie caused little grief and we managed to get some sleep. Off we get at HK Airport for a brief 2 hour stopover and back on the plane in the same seats for the next leg. Here’s all we saw of the airport from the observation deck …..
And so we resume our same seats and taxi out to the runway heading for London. On our right were three twenty-something travellers who were looking past us at Junior and cutie pie, who had also resumed the same seats. “Don’t worry” I said “the children were really good on the last leg”. And with that, we took off, and cutie pie turned into mini monster and screamed his lungs out for 10 of the 12 hour flight, accompanied at times by Junior who was scratchy, bored and vying for his shattered mother’s attention. OMG. We couldn’t hear the movie through the headphones, let alone get any sleep.
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